Mediterranean Omelette Brunch

Mediterranean Omelette Brunch


  • Ingredients (makes one):
  • 2x large free range eggs
  • A tablespoon of butter
  • A splash of milk
  • A pinch of ground black pepper
  • A couple of fresh baby tomatoes (chopped)
  • A couple of pitted black olives (chopped)
  • A small block of feta cheese (crumbled and added to taste)
  • Some fresh parsley sprigs to garnish
  • A slice of lightly toasted fresh artisanal bread (lightly buttered)
  • Half a ripe avocado (sliced)


  1. In a glass mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and pepper until all evenly mixed.
  2. Heat a medium non-stick frying pan over low heat, melt the butter and give it a swirl so that the entire bottom surface has been greased.
  3. Add the egg mixture and allow the bottom of the egg mixture to set a little bit. Then use a fork/spatula to gently lift the set egg (on the bottom) and move around, allowing the unset egg to flow into the gaps. You want the egg to be nice and even in thickness and almost cooked through before moving on.
  4. When the eggs are almost set on the surface, but still look a little runny, evenly spread your chopped tomatoes, olives and feta onto one half of the omelette.
  5. At this point, you can turn up the heat a little to cook faster if needed (remember to never make your pan to hot otherwise you will burn the bottom of the eggs). Your omelette will be ready when the eggs are set to your liking.
  6. Fold unfilled half of omelette over filled half, turn off and remove from the heat and allow to rest for a minute in the pan.
  7. Gently slide your omelette onto a serving plate and sprinkle torn fresh parsley sprigs on top. Add the slice of toast with the fresh avocado on top (salt and pepper to your liking) and enjoy.

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